Leeston Seeds Limited
Leeston Seeds Limited- Contact: Kevin Kennett
Email: leestonseeds@xtra.co.nz
Description: Seed cleaning and Treatment. Inspection and StorageLuisetti Seeds
Luisetti Seeds Ltd- Contact: Edward Luisetti
Email: admin@luisettiseeds.co.nz
Website: www.luisettiseeds.co.nz Description: Cereals, forages, pulses, seed production / processor, agricultural chemicalsMethven Seed Cleaning 2010 Ltd
Methven Seed Cleaning 2010 Ltd- Contact: Craig Carter
Email: office@mvnseed.co.nz
Description: Seed cleaning, testing, retailNorwest Seed Ltd
Norwest Seed Ltd- Contact: Tara Knowles
- Contact: Allan Lill
Email: tara@norwestseed.co.nz
Website: www.norwestseed.co.nz Description: Seed Production, Processing, Seed Multiplication, Processing re ExportSouth Pacific Seeds NZ Ltd
South Pacific Seeds NZ Ltd- Contact: John McKay
Email: nzoffice@spsnz.co.nz
Website: www.southpacificseeds.co.nzThe New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Ltd
Plant & Food Research- Contact: Antonia Miller
Email: Antonia.Miller@plantandfood.co.nz
Website: www.plantandfood.co.nz Description: Cereals, vegetables, research, services