JUSTIN INWOOD – 2018 Scholarship Recipient


I have grown up on a 200-hectare mixed cropping farm in the Ellesmere district, where I have developed a passion for plant science and agronomy. In 2017 I completed my second year at Lincoln University studying towards a Bachelor of Agricultural Science. My first two years of university have exposed me to a wide variety of subjects, which so far has only reinforced my original passion for plant science and agronomy.

After graduating I intend to work in the grain and seed industry to extend my practical knowledge of crop management, with a focus on arable and small seed crops. Sustainable production is one of the greatest pressures imposed on the farming industry today. I wish to assist the integration of these principles into everyday management practises.

I feel very privileged to be offered the New Zealand Grain and Seed Trade Association Scholarship for 2018 and would like to express my thanks. It will provide me with insight into the industry and more opportunities in the future within the grain and seed sector.